Our Story
Our story began as one shared by millions of moms—it's the one about a child and her very particular eating habits—including her strong aversion to greens and several food sensitivities.
We soon realized this story stretched far beyond the narrative of the picky eater and simply became the story of every person trying to find convenient and tasty ways to be healthy—so we’re channeling our passion for delicious and healthy foods into creating plant-based foods that are super-tasty, approachable and fun for everyone.
Everything we do stems from our commitment to plant-based living. Because we believe the food you eat should help your body—not harm it.
Inspired by a classic childhood snack, Mustache Munchies, are baked "cheese" crackers but updated to appeal to a broader demographic as they are also organic, gluten-free, dairy-free and made with clean, healthy ingredients. In keeping with our belief that healthy foods can be delicious and fun, these crunchy snack crackers are also in a whimsical handlebar mustache shape—it’ll be hard not to play with your food!
Greens for all, big and small! (TM)